A downloadable space adventures

Space Adventures is a video game made for the Android. It is a survival shooter where you need to survive waves of enemies called Joja. Twist with this game is that your terrain is created procedurally based on an image that you take before it's generation. Every third wave you have a boss battle with bigger and stronger Joja!

Brief story

You are astronaut named Matt, and your space rocket broke down which made you land on Joja planet. Joja's are cute aliens that don't want to share their space with anybody. Matt needs to find a way to survive their attacks!

Backend story

Space Adventures is made with a Unity game engine using the latest Unity Jobs system for multithreading and better performance. Our algorithm knows when image is dark or bright and then accordingly to that it process image. For the image processing, we are using Gaussian Blur algorithm combined with color balancing. In the near future (read: next update) we will implement a new Entity Component System for better performance on old mobile phones.


  • Localized for Croatian and English.
  • Three special abilities based on kills that player make.
  • Creating terrain from an image.
  • Every game is special no matter what photo you take.
  • You don't need Wi-Fi or data for playing this game!
  • Addictive music made by TheFatRat.

Game previews

SPAD Shooting Preview

SPAD Shield Preview

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Facebook: http://bit.ly/2AspJKU-facemg
YouTube: http://bit.ly/2RghcQH-youtubemg
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2SSmyDx-insta
Twitter: https://twitter.com/b_bmatt

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